Monday, April 5, 2010

Thailand Blog 3

The one thing I was most surprised by on this trip was the food. I ate a bunch of things that generally back at home I would never eat. Generally, I am not extremely open-minded when it comes to food, but I've eaten everything that was served to me. I was pleasantly surprised by everything.

Another thing that really surprised me was the overall open-mindedness of everyone. We've done several things that put people out of their comfort zone. When we went mountain climbing, nobody thought they would be able to do it, and several people were afraid of heights. However, everyone at least tried it, and almost everyone made it to the top of the climb. Watching this was somewhat inspiring to me. They were forced out of their comfort zone and achieved something they didn't think they were capable of.

Sean Kosowsky
Manasquan High School
Thailand 2010

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